Ayurvedic Body Therapies Professional Training
An ancient art form with a transformational impact
From deep relaxation to resetting your client’s full nervous system —
Abhyanga and Shirodhara are a luxurious, beautiful ritual that can completely transform a person.
Abhyanga is anointing the body with warm oil, often infused with healing herbs and balancing essential oils.
In Ayurveda, the healing aspects of Abhyanga include relaxation of the muscles and calming of the nervous system. The attention being paid to the many subtle healing aspects of this practice make it a powerful holistic healing modality.
The act of anointing the body with warm, herbal oil is called snehana -- the Sanskrit word sneha means oil and love. The benefits of regular snehana invite the same qualities as being deeply loved, loving yourself and loving another -- strength, stability, openness and warmth.
As stated by the ancient Ayurvedic text — Astanga Hridaya — other benefits of Abhyanga include:
Improved Sleep
Promotes sturdiness of the body
Promotes longevity
Nourishes the body
Promotes better eyesight
Prevents and corrects affliction of the nervous system
Overcomes fatigue
Prevents and corrects the aging process
Detoxification of the body
Abhy is Sanskrit for massage — Yanga is Sanskrit for limbs
This Ayurvedic treatment is the ultimate for deep relaxation and a full nervous system reset.
A stream of herb infused oil is poured across the third eye while healing mantras are offered to the healing space. The combination of these modalities allows for deep peace to be evoked and transmitted.
Benefits of Shirodhara include:
Deep release of stress and tension from the mind
Stillness of the mind
Better brain function
Mood stability
Increased stress-handling ability
Shiro is Sanskrit for head — Dhara is Sanskrit for pour

Bliss Academy's
Ayurvedic Body Therapy Training
This 100 hour comprehensive course is offered in a convenient hybrid format to fit your lifestyle and requires a basic knowledge of Ayurveda.
An online course in Ayurvedic Foundations is provided when you sign up.
Level 1: $2000 (until 11/1)
Level 2: $1000 (offered in late 2025)
*payment plans available
“Dharma (righteousness), Artha (wealth), Lakshmi (auspiciousness, beauty), and Loka (heaven, earth, atmosphere) are represented in every woman.”
— Charak Samhita

Level 1 course includes
16 hours Ayurvedic Foundations online course
*Optional if you already have knowledge of AyurvedaHands-on Training- giving and receiving in the following Ayurvedic modalities:
Marma Chikitsa Therapy
The printed manual
Discounts for Earthlite equipment
Resources for wholesale Ayurvedic oils
10 hours of practicum with on-going guidance to follow
Daily Sattvic Ayurvedic lunches to be provided during the course
Ayurvedic goodie bag
Level 2 Course Includes:
Hands on Training giving and receiving of these therapies:
Pinda Swedana
Ayurvedic Face Treatment with kansa wand and organic handmade products
Dough Basti for Hrid, Janu Nabhi, Kati and womb
“I have been a student & a teacher of Holistic practices for over 30 years…”
The roots of my practice began in NYC as an esthetician, reiki practitioner, yoga & meditation guide. My first teacher, introduced me to Ayurveda in the early 90's.
Throughout my life I sought after Ayurvedic Body treatments, including Shirodhara & Abyhanga as a profound healing modality for nervous system regulation, during many traumatizing chapters of my life. When I relocated to Colorado during a global pandemic, I found Radha Schwaller. I was recovering from a very serious medical condition. I received 2 treatments in a short period of time & felt every system in my body harmonize while Radha carefully poured warm therapeutic oils onto my third eye.
Her grounding presence made me feel held, seen & deeply supported.
As my recovery journey progressed, It became clear that Ayurveda was not only imperative for my healing, but I needed to learn how to do this for others.
Without hesitation, I enrolled in Radha's Ayurvedic Body Treatment training in Denver. It was the most amazing experience of my life! I enjoyed the practical , in person experience, just as much as the virtual Modules.
Radha is a very knowledgeable & highly spirited teacher.
I highly recommend this training to deepen your understanding of Ayurveda for yourself, your family, & your community.
— Stacey Avidane

These treatments create deep peace in ones physiology while having the power to
heal humanity
Release deep seated stress and tension in the body and mind — uplift the spirit