Recipe: Kitchari: The Healing Food for Body, Mind & Spirit

Healing and Detoxifying Kitchari

I call this the "chicken noodle soup" from India because it has similar effects to the healing properties of this famous dish made by mothers to soothe and heal any condition.  Make this dish when you want a quick and easy lunch, are feeling under the weather, need a break from digestive overload (the holidays, for example), for a postpartum mama, during a cleanse or anytime! I always bring a pot of kitchari to potluck dinners to assist in my digestion of the many different dishes.   

1/2 cup Organic Basmati Rice (or other grains such as quinoa, barley)
1/2 cup split Organic Mung Dal (split yellow) or red lentils if you can’t find split
3 cups (approx.) Water (more or less depending on if you like soupy or
a bit of Salt
2 tsp (or more) Cultured Ghee
5 fresh curry leaves
2 pods Sweet Tamarind with shell removed and broken into pieces
1 tablespoon Bliss Alchemy Savory Magic Masala (click here to purchase)

¼ tsp. Cumin Seeds or Powder (not if constipated)
¼ tsp. Turmeric Powder
¼ tsp. Coriander Powder
¼ tsp. Fennel Powder
¼ Fenugreek Powder

Rinse the rice and mung dal until water runs clear. If you would like to
soak the mung dal to aid digestion, you may soak them for as few as 30 minutes and as many as 8 hours.
Heat ghee in pan on medium heat and add curry leaves and spices,
except turmeric (it burns easily). Let the spices toast until fragrant. Add
turmeric, toast for 5 seconds. Add rinsed rice, mung dal, water and
tamarind. You can also add chopped vegetables if you wish. Bring to
near boil, turn to low, let simmer for 30-40 minutes. Add salt near end.
Garnish with fresh cilantro and a squeeze of lime.

* WATCH OUT for tamarind seeds when you are eating.

Enjoy healing your digestion!! 


Recipe: For your Sattvic Sweet Tooth: Cardamom and Rose Laddhus


Abhyanga: The Art of Self Love through Massage For Pregnancy and Post Partum Bliss