Recipe: Women's Bliss Milk with Shatavari
homemade organic almond milk in the blender being made into BLISS MILK
Shatavari, referred to as “the woman who has 100 husbands”
Common Name: Wild Asparagus
Latin Name: Asparagus racemosus- Radix
**Shatavari is the foremost uterine tonic!!!!!
By the name’s reference, you could guess that this herb is excellent for the female reproductive system. It is also an amazing anti-inflammatory, gives STRENGTH, is an aphrodisiac, rejuvenative, promotes menses, encourages fertility, increases OJAS (immunity, glow and vigor), nourishes breast milk, calms and nourishes the nervous system (helps alleviate anxiety), useful to alleviate menopausal symptoms of hot flashes, irritability, irregular memory and dryness and benefits the eyesight!
WOW, right????
Shatavari is best taken when infused with ghee as the ghee acts as a carrier for the medicine and will bring it deep through the tissues to the reproductive system, the last of the dhatus/layers of tissues to be reached in the body. Samadhi Ayurveda takes special orders for Shatavari Rose ghee.
You can also make this yummy milk recipe with the herb! Shatavari can be found at Mountain Rose Herbs.
Women’s Bliss Milk:
1 cup organic raw or non homogenized cow’s milk or fresh made almond milk
1/2 tsp shatavari root powdered
1/4 tsp licorice powder
1/2 tsp rose petal powder
1/4 cinnamon
1/2 ghee
1/2 tsp sucanat
Bring the milk to a boil, remove from heat, add herbs and spices- steep for 5-8 minutes. Drink 1 hour before bed. Drink this everyday for one week every month.
Here’s to the GLOWING YOU!