4 Steps to Awesome Gut Health

Boulder Lyons Ayurveda

Gut health is an extremely important aspect of health and that is marked by more and more evidence coming out from scientists and health experts alike.

I am grateful to the Shankya Vansya Ayurveda lineage from the late Vaidya Mishra, that I am able to share this information with you today. 

  1. Identify your eating and emotional patterns around food.  This seems simple, but in our current health-centered culture, nothing seems to be the "good" thing to eat!! There is a lot of conflicting information on what is ok and what is not.  Ayurveda says that one person's medicine is another person's poison.  Each person needs to assess what is right for her/him and go with that.  Also, note where, when, and how you are eating.  Are you in your car driving 70mph down the highway scarfing down your breakfast?  Are you eating as you nervously talk to your co-worker or new friend?  Are you standing up?  All of these things will not allow the nourishment to be taken into the body in an optimal way.   Try sitting down, being present and thankful for the food in front of you.


2. Eat FRESH foods.   These foods will have the most prana and life force energy avaliable to you.  Limit processed, avoid leftovers and note how many "probiotic" foods you are eating.  These tend to be acidic and heating for the body.  This can cause more inflammation in the gut lining which will be contrary to your gut health.

3. Eat plenty of Prebiotic Foods Daily.  These foods soothe internal inflammation and help the mucousal lining of the stomach develop in a healthy way.  This promotes the optimal environment for healthy bacteria to live.  These foods are:

  • Cultured GHEE
  • Okra
  • Barley
  • Tapioca Pearls
  • Tapioca Flour
  • Zucchini
  • Summer Squash
  • Taro Root (fries!, YUM!)
  • Marshmallow Root

4.  Try a Probiotic Lassi. According to Vaidya Mishra, this is the best and most alive version of probiotics one can consume.  This can be made from the buttermilk that is made while making cultured ghee, or by using fresh made yogurt and adding 1 Tablespoon yogurt to 10 oz of fresh spring water.  You may add some fresh rose water or a pinch of cardamom to enhance the flavor.  If you are making your own yogurt, use the Natren Yogurt Starter as it is the most alive.


If you would like to discuss how Ayurveda can help you with a personalized healing journey:

contact Radha to schedule!



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