Spring Detox- Is It Really For Me?

In the realm of wellness and household cleaning, we hear a lot about spring cleaning. There is a reason beyond capitalism benefitting from you, I promise.

It is the change of seasons! In nature this means melting, freezing, thawing, revealing what has been hidden all winter inside and out. Spring is the season that asks for clarity, steadfastness, strength and action.
These qualities are then used as the foundation to grow your vision that will expand with the abundance of growth in summer and in order for your vision to grow strong roots and sprout, we must clear away anything that is restricting us such as accumulated toxins, habits that are not serving us, grief, stress and daily accumulations of struggle left in the nervous system. It is TIME TO LET GOOOOOOOOOOO!

In Ayurveda, we have beautiful, even delicious programs and rituals for releasing and detoxifying the body. An Ayurvedic reset and cleanse with soaked grains, toasted spices, grounding legumes, herbal teas, stewed fruits and for bodywork, we offer dry brushing, detoxifying herbal infused oil massage/Abhyanga and herbal steam wraps….

My wish you for you this spring is that you find ways to release what is no longer in alignment to make way for a brighter and more vibrant spring and summer season!


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