Recipe: Fire Cider with an Ayurvedic Twist
Ingredients for a YUMMY Fire Cider Photo By Radha
Fire Cider is a traditional remedy made popular by Rosemary Gladstar back in the 1970's at her herb school. This tasty combination of "fire" enhancing ingredients infused into apple cider vinegar will enhance digestion and are a warming way to stimulate health in the cold and flu months.
The traditional recipe calls for garlic, onions, horseradish, ginger, and hot peppers but I wanted to do something different. In Ayurveda we consider garlic and onions disturbing to the energy of the open heart. Because of their potent flavor and energy, garlic and onions will cause the gentle protective petals of the heart lotus to close. When this happens, the light of the soul will not shine on the mind and the mind is free to run amuck causing drama, anxiety, depression and stress in the body, mind and spirit. Because this is a subtle aspect of health, I encourage you to experiment with not eating them to find your own experience.
I like to use this cider in the soup broths I brew up in the cold months. The original recipe calls for raw local honey to taste, but do not add this if you will be cooking with the cider. When you strain the preparation, you could divide it into two batches, one for cooking with that has no honey and one for taking by itself that has honey added.
Ayurvedic Fire Cider
Use ALL ORGANIC ingredients for the best results
half gallon jar
32 oz or more Apple Cider Vinegar
1 tablespoon Turmeric Powder
2- 3 large, juicy lemons, finely sliced
2-3 juicy limes, finely sliced
2 large Blood Oranges
1 tablespoon black peppercorn gently crushed
2 tablespoons cardamom pods gently crushed
1 tablespoon thyme leaves
2 tablespoons fennel seeds
1 tablespoon oregano leaves
10 cinnamon sticks
20 bay leaves, crushed
30 clove buds
5'' piece of fresh ginger chopped fine
2 Jalapeno peppers or green Thai chilis chopped fine
20 sprigs of fresh rosemary chopped fine
Raw Organic Honey to taste--- do not add to cider you will be cooking with
Prepare all the ingredients as directed and place into mason jar. Pour Apple Cider Vinegar over ingredients until it is all covered. Shake well. Feel free to chant healing mantras such as the Mahamritunjaya mantra or speak other positive and healing words to your wellness tonic. Place in a cool, dark place and shake daily for one month. After one month, strain the ingredients out of the cider. Squeeze the bulk items to make sure to get all of the infused cider out. If you would like to add honey to taste, begin with 1/4 cup at a time. Do not heat it! Just shake vigorously until incorporated. Store in a dark glass bottle.
Enjoy 1 teaspoon daily during cold months. Increase the amount if you feel like you are getting sick. You can add the cider without honey added to soups or take the cider with honey directly.
The Fire Cider is ready to steep for one month